Personal, social and health education

Lesson After Lockdown March 2021
First day back? Use this lesson to help children process what has happened and start to look forward to the future.
The lesson starts with THE LOCKDOWN QUIZ. This checks in on their emotional wellbeing and acknowledges what has happened.
Next the class is asked to think of three questions and then INTERVIEW each other. Rebuilding friendships, engaging social skills and listening skills. This is a chance for children to share experiences and their worries. The classroom becomes a safe space where they can talk.
Finally, children will be engaged in their OWN LEARNING. Suggesting and voting for a class activity on the theme of ‘Finding something fun’. Children are challenged to analyse the benefits, solve potential problems and complete the planning themselves. Includes a TEMPLATE for ‘Making a plan that works’.

Diversity Project: People Like Us
People Like Us celebrates the diversity of our communities. We’ll be using video interviews from people from around the World and UK who have settled here and become inspiring community heroes. We celebrate each story with a craft or creative activity - including mini-art works, clay, drama and creative writing.
There are six lessons (or more if you’d like to revisit someone more than once).
Rachele: Black, British, Windrush Generation, racism in the UK, loves art
Pete: Roma, Gypsy, Polish, boxer and sports coach
Jelena: Latvian, Cold War, end of USSR, life under communism, loves being outdoors
Alex: Black, British, Windrush Generation, Windrush Scandal, low income, runs a charity that connects kids to culture
Liam: Dual nationality, Irish, English, coped with illness, loves travel, history, cars and bowling
Cymba: Black, African, Zimbabwe, close to Nan, loves football
Each person’s story is told each lesson with three videos:
All About Me - early memories, childhood and history
CHOICE: children choose one of two videos where a significant moment is shared (including Moving to the UK). Demonstrations of growth mindset, resilience and British values.
Explore their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as role models for us.
Making a difference - today and their charity or community work (except Liam who is recovering from serious illness, who has ‘Finding Happiness’ instead)
AND how this has increased their resilience and wellbeing.
This is a great PSHE pack or British Values pack.

Drugs and Gangs - Alex's Experience
Alex speaks openly and honestly about her experience with drugs and gangs. Her father’s involvement led directly to his death. After running away from home as a teenager Alex seemed to be following the same path, until she found another way. She threw herself into community work and now helps young people avoid joining gangs.
In this resource Alex tells her story. There are three videos:
Alex’s child hood and early life
Her father’s death and her involvement with drug dealing and gangs
Alex’s community work
There is also a factfile that answers some of the questions that students might ask. It also includes a suggested drama activity and discussion questions that could be explored.